+ 100
Online courses
Expert instructors
Enrolled Students
Online courses
Expert instructors
Enrolled Students
7 Courses
3 Courses
4 Course
2 Courses
“Expert engineers” work for general advancement in the worlds of learning and the vocational training system, as well as engineering consultancy, under the supervision of the most specialized lecturers.
Our core emphasis is to combine collected expertise with human talents by providing the best diplomas and technical and engineering consultations through a group of recognized engineering lecturers and consultants.
طريقة تناول الموضوعات مميزة بالاضافة للشرح والمتابعة المستمرة
المحاضر متمكن جدا من شرح المادة العلمية واكثر حاجة عجبتني الالتزام والمصداقية
المحاضر كان ممتاز جدا ف الشرح ومتابعة العمل والحمدلله قام بتوصيل جميع المعلومات بطريقة سلسة جدا واسلوبه رائع ف الحوار بلاضافة الى سهولة الحوار والمتابعة الجيدة ووجود مرجع للدورة فحين لم اجيد التركيذ مع المحاضر ف اليوم التالي اعود الي المحاضرات المسجلة
الشرح بأسلوب مبسط بالاضافة انه فيه مشروع متكامل بيطلع في الاخر مش مجرد سرد للاوامر اللي بتتعمل بالبرنامج
محاضر متميز جدا وعارف تفاصيل طبيعة الشغل بره ومتكامل كمان عجبني جدا المتابعة المستمرة
It is consistent, rich with knowledge, easy to understand and very helpful instructor
التنظيم ، والاحترام ، الالتزام لدى جميع افراد الكادر
Exploring new tools in BIM Modeling.
المحاضر متعاون جدا وعنده القدرو على تسهيل وتبسيط المعلومة
The course schedule and timing is perfect
It's online and easy to get the data
شرح واضح وطريقه جديده وربط بين كل برامج بسهوله
الدورة ممتعة واسلوب المحاضر سهل وقادر على توصيل المعلومة
الفاعلية والمشاركة بين المدرب والمتدربين
تنظيم الوقت في المحاضرة بشكل احترافي بالاضافة لاداء المحاضر الممتاز
سلاسة الشرح والتعامل الجيد ومتابعة العمل مع المتدربين
التواصل والأستفادة من اراء والنقاشات ووجهات نظر الزملاء اثناء المحاضرات بالاضافة الشرح الوافى والسلس للمحاضر
-Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, Helwan University
- More than 12 years of experience as a design engineer in the largest consulting offices.
- Certified Instructor from Autodesk.
- Diploma lecturer for more than 5 years.
- He trained more than 2500 trainees
- PHD of Interior Design From Helwan University.
- Professor at Faculty of Applied Arts Helwan University.
- More than 22 years of experience as a design engineer in the largest consulting offices.
- Diploma lecturer for more than 10 years.
- Certified Instructor from Autodesk.
- He trained more than 6000 trainees.
- Masters Degree of Structural Engineer.
- More than 15 years of experience as a design engineer in the largest consulting offices.
- Senior Structural Engineer at RMC Consulting.
- Certified Instructor from Autodesk.
- Diploma lecturer for more than 10 years.
- He trained more than 5000 trainees
- 14 years of experience as an electrical engineer in the largest consulting offices.
- Senior electrical engineer at Shaker Consultancy Group
- Diploma lecturer for more than 7 years.
- He trained more than 3000 trainees
- Masters Degree of Structural Engineering from Cairo University.
- More than 10 years of experience as a structural design engineer in the largest consulting offices.
- 6 years of experience as a lecturer
- Certified Instructor from Autodesk.
- Senior design engineer at one of the largest European companies in the Middle East.
- He trained more than 3500 trainees
- More than 12 years of experience as a structural design engineer in the largest consulting offices .
- Masters Degree of Structural Engineering from Cairo University.
- Senior Structural Engineer at Benaa Consultancy
- 6 years of experience as a lecturer
- Certified Instructor from Autodesk.
- He trained more than 7000 trainees
- Masters Degree of Structural Engineering from Ain Shams University.
- More than 11 years of experience as a structural engineer.
- 4 years of experience as a lecturer
- He trained more than 2000 trainees
- Masters Degree of Architecture Engineering from Ain Shams University
- 15 years of experience as an architect in the largest consulting offices
- Certified Instructor from Autodesk
- 5 years’ experience as a lecturer
- She trained more than 2000 trainees
We will help you further your career goals.